The Cheyenne "wooden Leg"

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The Cheyenne "wooden Leg"


Wooden Leg was born, in 1858, in the region of the Black Hills, near the Cheyenne river. He was son of Many Bullet Wounds (also called White Buffalo Shaking off the Dust) and Eagle Feather on the Forehead. He had three brothers (the two elder ones being Strong Wind Blowing and Yellow Hair, the younger one Twin) and two sisters (the elder one being Crooked Nose, the younger one Fingers Woman).

I was inspired to do the sculpture after reading the biography of the Cheyenne warrior wooden leg. Although he didn't wear a feathered headdress at the battle of the little big horn , I wanted to represent him as the great warrior and leader he was. The gun he captured at the battle is on his left hip , he carries a lance and a shield.

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